2020 Archive

Earlier posts from 2020

1/28/20 Meeting


Tuesday, January 28  •  One-On-One Help: 6-7pm  •  Presentation and Discussion: 7-8:15pm


Hopefully you all had a wonderful holiday season and now we're ready to get back into learning mode!

One of the greatest advantages (Rick's opinion) to the computer in my pocket is the ability to take pictures any time I like! From cute things the kids do to snapping a pic of something you need to remember or refer to later, it's easy to end up with a large photo library. I, myself, have almost 6,000 photos on my phone and it's full, but I can't move them to my computer because it's full too! Peter has a similar issue moving from his old MacBook Pro to a new MacBook Air with a smaller hard drive. So how can we take some of those lesser accessed photos and split them off into a separate library that can easily be moved to an external storage device? This is something group president Dan Herrmann will be helping us with at this month's meeting on Tuesday night.

See you there!

2/25/20 Meeting

Numbers vs. Excel

Tuesday, February 25  •  One-On-One Help: 6-7pm  •  Presentation and Discussion: 7-8:15pm


It's that time of year again - membership dues will be due soon. See Cynthia at your next meeting to renew your membership!

Paul Franz will be our presenter for the February meeting. We'll be looking at the difference between Microsoft's popular spreadsheet software, Excel, and Apple's product, Numbers. Paul will show us the advantages of each and compare the desktop and mobile versions of Numbers.

As always, if there's something you'd be interested to learn more about please let one of the board members know so that we can work it into the schedule.

See you there!

3/24/20 Meeting

Virtual Meeting Featuring Demos of FaceTime and Zoom

Tuesday, March 24  •  FaceTime call begins at 6:00pm

Welcome to the future! 

The library may be closed and we may not be permitted to gather in the same space, but that doesn't mean we can't still see each other and continue to learn from each other. Let's take this opportunity to experience something new. Let's use this month's meeting night to get everyone familiar with FaceTime and an application called Zoom

For details on how to participate, members should log into uaugtalk.org and check the UAUG NEWS forum for information about this meeting.

Trouble logging in? Please email us at the following:

4/28/20 Meeting

Scan Documents with Notes • Make a Ringtone • RB Digital Magazines and Audiobooks

Tuesday, April 28—Zoom Meeting at 6:30pm 

The COVID-19 lockdown continues, so this month's meeting will be conducted using Zoom.

Rick Rogers will demonstrate how you can scan a document with your Apple device through the Notes app. This seems like an excellent time to show others this nifty trick, especially when people are working and educating at home where they might need to scan and email something they've completed on paper.

Have some extra time on your hands? Want to make your iPhone experience a little more personal? How about a custom ringtone? Dan Herrmann is going to demonstrate for us how we can make our own ringtones as use them on our iPhones!

If you'd like to spend some free time catching up on your favorite magazines without all of the subscription fees then Peter Chien has just what you need! The Mid-York Library System's RB Digital content is available to anyone with a library card and you can access scores of magazines and audiobooks from their vast collection without leaving your home (because you're not supposed to anyway!). Peter will demonstrate this cool resource tonight! If you're anxious to learn more about it you can check it out here: RB Digital.

For details on how to participate, members should log into uaugtalk.org and check the UAUG NEWS forum for information about this meeting.

Trouble logging in? Please email us at the following:

5/26/20 Meeting

Cisco Webex / Roundtable Discussion

Tuesday, May 26—Webex Meeting at 6:30pm 

After discussing Zoom's security risks we looked at alternatives for this month's meeting. Jitsi was good, but not quite as full-featured as Webex, so we're giving Webex a try for our May meeting. Members, look for the link in the mail email newsletter or logon to UAUGTalk, where it will be posted in the UAUG NEWS forum. You should be able to click on the link and that will take you to the website and a plugin will download automatically. 

6/23/20 Meeting


Tuesday, June 23—Webex Meeting at 6:30pm 

First, a reminder that it's time to pay your dues for the 2020-2021 season. 

Join us this Tuesday on Webex for a roundtable discussion about music. There are many ways to enjoy music and even more ways to access it. We'll discuss your preferences and maybe you'll learn about a new opportunity to enjoy your favorite tunes. We're also going to give a little overview of UAUGTalk.org for those who may not be familiar with our discussion board.

8/25/20 Meeting

Q&A Session

Tuesday, August 25—Webex Meeting at 6:30pm 

Join us this Tuesday on Webex for our annual Q&A session. Whether you're having trouble with your software or hardware we are here to help you! Although we set aside time at the beginning of each meeting to help you with problems that have been bothering you, this is an excellent opportunity to access the group's collective knowledge. Did your latest update wreak havoc on your files? Did you know that iOS updates often turn on your Bluetooth option? If you don't use Bluetooth on your mobile device (iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad) then you are draining your battery unnecessarily. These are the types of things you can learn by coming and asking questions! 

For the invitation link to the meeting, check your email or log into UAUGTalk. Also, a link to last month's meeting video has been posted in UAUGTalk for those who missed the meeting or wanted a refresher as to how Webex worked. 

10/27/20 Meeting

iOS 14 and iPadOS 14

Tuesday, October 27 —Webex Meeting at 6:30pm 

Join us on Tuesday night, October 27, for an announcement regarding the 2020 annual Grand Prize.

You've all probably seen the prompting on your mobile devices to download the latest mobile operating systems, iOS 14 and iPad OS 14. So how many of you downloaded and installed the updates? Have you noticed the changes to the appearance and organization of your devices? Did you explore any of the new features? Join us Tuesday night to learn more about what you've gained in this latest release.

Upstate Apple Users Group invites you to join this Webex meeting.

For the invitation link to the meeting, check your email or log into UAUGTalk. Also, a link to last month's meeting video has been posted in UAUGTalk for those who missed the meeting or wanted a refresher as to how Webex worked. 

11/24/20 Meeting

Holiday Buying Guide

Tuesday, November 24 —Webex Meeting at 6:30pm 

It's that time of year again! As it gets closer to Christmas we see a number of offers and incentives for products we would like to give as gifts or buy for ourselves. Every year we try to help you make informed decisions when it comes to making purchases of computers and mobile devices. If you're considering making such a purchase then bring all of your questions to the meeting with you.

Here are a few you should be thinking about:

See you then!

12/16/20 Holiday Meeting

Holiday Gathering and Grand Prize Giveaway

Wednesday, December 16 —Webex Meeting at 7:00pm 

Normally, at this time we're planning how much pizza to order, what dish to bring to share, and remembering who has the paper plates, plastic cups, utensils, and napkins stored in their garage. Sadly, we won't be gathering in person this year, but we'll be continuing our series of Webex meetings to briefly address two important pieces of UAUG business: Election of 2021 officers and the drawing for our annual Grand Prize.

Members should check their email for the December newsletter with details about joining the meeting. Meeting starts at 7pm.

See you then!